Mechano Growth Factor (MGF) is a member of the IGF-1 (insulin-like Growth Factor 1) super family. MGF, also called IGF-1Ec, has a unique E domain with a 49bp insert in humans (52bp in rodents; IGF-1Eb), which results in a reading frame shift during the IGF-1 gene splicing to produce a distinct mature isoform.
Synonyms: Mechano Growth Factor, MGF, IGF-1Ec
IUPAC Condensed: Tyr-Gln-Pro-Pro-Ser-Thr-Asn-Lyn-Asn-Thr-Lys-Ser-Gln-Arg-Arg-Lys-Gly-Ser-Thr-Phe-Glu-Glu-Arg-Lys
Molecular Weight: 2868.16 g/mol
Stability: Store lyophilised protein at -20°c. Aliquot the product after reconstitution to avoid repeated freezing/thawing cycles. Reconstituted protein can be stored at 4°c for a limited period of time. The lyophilised protein remains stable until expiry date when stored at -20°c.
Source: Biosynthesis
Reconstitution: Reconstitute with Bacteriostatic Water